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Bella casa con cinque camere da letto e tre bagni nello splendido villaggio sul mare di Blackrock. La nostra casa è situata tra i villaggi di Blackrock e Seapoint ed è a soli 4 minuti a piedi dalla DART (stazione ferroviaria). Siamo una famiglia di cinque persone con due maschi e una femmina!! Sentiti libero di contattarci per qualsiasi domanda

Camere disponibili per la prenotazione

Il soggiorno minimo é di 28 notti

Il soggiorno massimo é di 180 notti

Disponibile per le date specificate

Soggiorno a lungo termine? Se intendi prenotare sempre gli stessi giorni per settimana, puoi deselezionare i giorni che non ti servono qui sotto. L'host verrá infomrato e questo potrebbe comportare una riduzione del costo totale del soggiorno.

Camera degli ospiti
A partire da 70 per notte
Max 1 ospiti

Bagno bagno in camera
1 Letto matrimoniale Bed

Camera disponibileCamera non disponibile
 1 persona
Prezzo Settimanale
Prezzo al mese
Hai selezionatoNottiPrezzo del soggiornoCommissione di PrenotazioneTotale

Informazioni sul quartiere

La nostra casa si trova nella parte sud della città tra i tranquilli borghi marinari di Blackrock e Monkstown. La zona è molto sicura e villaggi hanno diverse caffetterie, bar, ristoranti, negozi, ecc per farti divertire. Il mare è a pochi minuti troppo !! Ottimi collegamenti con il centro città sia in autobus o in treno.

Nel vicinato
  • Parco
  • Spiaggia
  • Centro commerciale
  • Fermata Autobus
  • Stazione ferroviaria
  • Ospedale


L'host puó offrire una piccola colazione a sua discrezione. Tutti i pasti, inclusi una colazione completa, possono incorrere in un costo addizionale, se offerti. Pasti e relativi costi devono comunque essere organizzati direttamente con l'host.

Included in the stay
  • Colazione Leggera Gratuita
  • Uso cucina

Regole di Casa

Regole sul Fumo

La famiglia non ha fumatori.

Non è permesso fumare.

7 Recensioni

  • Agnmyxyt vznspvudepvaczirwah0f7an8s8ivxyamnh=s96 c

    Age 18 - 24

    5 cuori
    Maggio 2023

    I totally recommend. It was a very pleasant stay with this family. The family is very nice and welcoming, we feel comfortable and at home. The room is very good and the ensuite bathroom is nice. We have everything we need.
    The location is also very good. Thanks to the different buses and trains you can reach Dublin city centre very quickly. The coast is also very nice for a walk.

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8zndawnjq zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  3527e34575b5c0820356db420dab8740d5a9de73&style=small

    Age 25 - 34

    5 cuori
    Dicembre 2022

    I had an absolutely perfect stay with Rita and Pól! I cannot recommend their place enough. Their family is lovely and the children charming – they are always willing to help and I never felt lonely, yet could do my studies without disturbance. I could even join them on a trip to the Dublin Zoo at one point and had a delightful time! The kitchen is well stocked and I was able to cook my own meals.
    The location is perfect to get to all sorts of places quickly by DART and bus, and is just a quick walk away from Blackrock Village and the sea itself. You can get there comfortably by Aircoach from the airport and an about 10-15min walk. The house is right on a very busy street so there is some noise even at night, but I just pretended the rush was the sea and I slept well in the incredibly comfortable bed.
    I’m super grateful for all of their support and to have been introduced to friends and family. I hope to stay or come by again in the future! Thank you for everything!

    Continua »

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znde2mdk zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  299c304b7c92d1f60e08c3bcf5be0a0fbee33621&style=small

    Age 45 - 54

    5 cuori
    Novembre 2022

    You can be confident this is the best place to spend a very nice stay in Dublin!
    The whole family is absolutely charming and you feel it more ,when you discover a perfectly clean house, also your bedroom and bathroom.
    The bed is very comfortable .
    The situation of the house is
    secure, quiet, very good and easy to join the airport or the center of Dublin.
    I enjoy my stay and spent a lovely week end 29/09 till 02/20/2022, with my Daughter in Dublin because of you Rita, your gentilness and your warm welcoming .
    Thanks a lot .
    Sure when I come back I would enjoy to rent again this lovely bedroom in your lovely family.

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  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8zmzc1nje zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  4d24dbd40f8dfd5c46b633f3ec950a447e9a72ed&style=small

    Age 25 - 34

    5 cuori
    Ottobre 2022

    Rita and Paul are wonderful hosts who are very caring, friendly and helpful! They were always there to help. I always felt very comfortable and wouldn't want to book anywhere else if I was in Dublin again. I had a great, memorable stay with them.

    Everything was perfect. The room is so nice, spacious and very clean. The bed is very comfortable!

    The house has a super location and is only a few minutes walk from the sea as well as from the DART station. The DART leaves for the city centre every ten minutes and you can get there quickly and easily.

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  • Graphic avatar placeholder

    Age 45 - 54

    5 cuori
    Ottobre 2022

    I didn't have the impression for a moment that I was a stranger in Rita and Paul's house...I had the feeling from the beginning that we have known each other for a long time...Their house is IMPECCABLE, don't even believe that three wonderful children live there!
    The whole stay was beyond expectations, Rita and Paul are exceptional people, who offer their unconditional help...Rita helped me until the last moment not to miss the plane back to Romania and I am grateful to her for all the support offered! Thanks for everything! May God bless your family and home!

    Continua »

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8zmzcwmti zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  e39371fe9ea15aa1ea9336eecaf13532949c57f1&style=small

    Age 55 - 64

    5 cuori
    Settembre 2022

    Rita and Paul were wonderful hosts and made me feel welcome and at home as soon as I arrived. The bedroom and ensuite bathroom were immaculate (in fact, the whole house is immaculate, warm and comfortable) excellent shower, the bed was the comfiest I have ever slept in, the TV in the room had Netflix and all the UK and Ireland channels (it is a high spec TV) and it was so good to have use of the kitchen. Rita is the kindest host, attentive and friendly. Both Rita and Paul gave me tips of good places to go and how to get there. I found their household was quiet and calm even with their 3 primary school age children. I really enjoyed my stay with this lovely family and would hope to stay again with Rita on future visits to Ireland. I highly recommend! Thank you so much, Rita and Paul!

    Continua »

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussimz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci84otk5od9lehbpcmvzx2lubjsavekidhb1cnbvc2ugowbussimzgvmyxvsday7afrjig9lehbpcmvzx2f0bjsavda%3d  887bc0bcdd0a73998e5286515a1bde6c8079fa40&style=small

    Age 55 - 64

    5 cuori
    Maggio 2016

    Rita and Paul were very accomodating with regard to my coming and goings to conference. They gave me a warm welcome and kind hospitality. I was very comfortable in the ensuite room afforded me and would highly recommend others to avail of their welcome and hospitality.

Come posso prenotare?

Contatta l'host per verificare la loro disponibilità e chiedi loro eventuali informazioni necessarie a finalizzare il tuo soggiorno. Una volta che l'host conferma che e' disponibile per le date richieste, è possibile completare la prenotazione.

Quando pago?

Una volta che un host conferma la propria disponibilità, puoi procedere con la prenotazione pagando il 15% come commissione di prenotazione (con un massimo di 250$£€ per soggiorni di lungo termine), utilizzando uno dei seguenti metodi: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Maestro, Laser, JCB & PayPal (quest'ultimo non disponibile in determinate nazioni). Successivamente, pagherai l'host all'arrivo, oppure in base alle condizioni descritte nel profilo dell'host e concordate al momento della prenotazione. Ti preghiamo di prestare sempre molta attenzione alle richieste di pagamento anticipato avanzate dall'host, specialmente quando tali termini di pagamento non sono inclusi nel profilo dell'host. Tutti i nostri host sono stati avvisati che, se desiderano richiedere un pagamento anticipato, devono indicarlo chiaramente all'arrivo. In ogni caso, ci raccomandiamo di diffidare da chi chiede un pagamento da effettuarsi via Money Gram o Western Union.

Quando posso condividere i miei dati di contatto?

Non appena la prenotazione viene confermata dall'ospite e la commissione di prenotazione viene pagata, invierà una mail di conferma con gli indirizzi email e numeri di telefono per mettersi in contatto direttamente. E' vietato scambiare contatti diretti attraverso il sistema di messaggistica prima del pagamento della prenotazione.

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